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Dr. Stavros Ristanis
Orthopedic Surgeon


Transdermal foot surgery is a NEW REVOLUTIONARY method
of treating foot diseases

uefa pas giannina

Proper diagnosis and treatment is the key to a speedy return to sports.
Do not waste time!

stavros ristanis

"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and
social well-being and not just the absence of disease or disability"

World Health Organization, 1948

Dr. Stavros Ristanis MD, PhD

Orthopedic SurgeonConsultant Metropolitan Hospital, Athens

Lecturer of Orthopaedics, Medical School, European University of Cyprus (EUC), Nicosia

Graduate of the Medical School of the University of Ioannina

Excellent Doctor of the University of Ioannina

Head of Medical Unit, PAS Giannina FC, Superleague (Greece)

Specializing in Knee Arthroscopic Surgery and Foot Surgery (Knee and Foot & Ankle fellowship trained, Melbourne, Australia)

Certified Surgeon in Percutaneous Foot Surgery

Σταύρος Ριστάνης - Χειρούργος Ορθοπαιδικός

Percutaneous foot limb surgery

Painless method

No scars

With local anesthesia

No hospitalization

Immediate walking without crutches


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